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Call for Work about Gay Russian River Late 90′s Early Oughts


BentBoyBooks is looking for work for a new project portraying the gay scene Guerneville during the mid to late 1990s through the early 2000′s.


So if you have stories about Fife’s Resort (think sex just about anywhere at this resort but especially outdoors), the Triple R (think the that infamous hot tub), Sundance (when it was still held at Fifes and the other parties before and throughout those awesome weekends), FAB as club (think FOAM parties and the other Sundance before/after parties) send them our way. The more fun (think sexy, surprising and the kind of stuff you know we like the better).


Email to Drew bentboybooks com is best. No promises or guarantees this will even happen. But hoping other who were there have some awesome stories to tell!


And if not how about some SF Bar stories for the Bar Series. Ready for the next in that line up too!

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